All I could think is :
Yup basically me right now..
I really really would love to go to university to take either chemical engineering or pharmacy course. Butt, the tuition fees and registration fees needs at least rm1000+ Gurl i an't got that much money..
Why not take PTPTN then?
- NO. My teacher advise me not to use PTPTN cos its pitipitipu hahaha. nah actually, sistem ini mengamalkan bunga-bungaan. I mean riba, I don't play with riba. Haram in Islam :) If u pay the money late, u will have to pay more after that.That's why PTPTN is not in my list.
What about MARA study loan?
- Asking for study loan is my last option. I don't like the idea of having a debt to pay -.-
If going to university costs a lot, why don't u just take form 6?
- No honey, i'm not really interested. Pure science in form 6 is really PACKED. Imagine in that 2 years/1 year period, u have to packed every single shit of sciences inside ur small NO. but the good thing is, u don't have to pay if u want to continue form 6. Yea, I'm still considering about this.
Did u sign up for matrikulasi then?
- For the thousand time already, its NO. hahahaha (i've lost my count how many times did i said NO)
Matrikulasi needs at least 5 C's to enter. Yes, I've passed that qualification,butt again butt If ur grade is low during matriks, people will see u la. That one year u spent at matriks will be such a waste if u don't work hard. The certificate also not suitable if u want to further ur studies later on. Yup, NO again.
Masuk maktab lah!!
- Didn't apply for it hahahahahaha my friend ask me to apply, but I keep forgetting about that.and finally the deadline have come, I just let it passed like dat lol *innocent face shows up*
So basically my options are:
- waiting for my JPA interview result,which will be released this may. If i passed i'd surely go to France to study chemical engineering, in sha Allah :)
- Swinburne at Kuching. I've got the offer letter already. I just have to wait whether i am in the scholarship list or not. They offer a really good scholarship which is full scholarship. They pay for ur foundation and bachelor studies. Even ur laptop, allowance, book allowance, they will settle all those shits 4 yu. I applied mine during last month's uni exhibition.
- Sunway at KL for bachelor in Pharmacy. 2 days before the deadline, I've checked afterschool website and just realized that THEY OFFER A FULL SCHOLARSHIP TOO. So I hurriedly sent my application letter that day lol I hope they accept my letter. May Allah ease everything for me, amin :)
So now, I'll just let Allah handle everything. He knows what is the best for me. May Allah ease everything ^^ ok gtg i want to continue to cuddle with my bed hihi
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