Monday, 29 June 2015

Kcolly Sweet 17 Review

Hi semuanya~ Setelah hampir sebulan mengkonsumsi Kcolly akhirnya cirah tergerak hati budi hendak mereview salah satu produk terhangat di pasaran ini. Antara salah satu sebab aku nak try Kcolly ni ialah si Dewi Yusra @ Kak Fathiya yang cantik gojes tu mmg makan supplement ni. Macam barbie doll je muka dia,comel!! Bukan itu sahaja, kawan aku ngada2 cakap yang muka aku ni iras iras fathiya hapekejadahnyakonijah sebijik pori pun tak sama ok penat aku tatap cermin :(

ok sambung balik cerita review. Before I start, aku nak bagitahu skin type aku mcm mana..
skin type : Kuning langsat, oily and sensitive skin, baby pimples subur di tepi tepi muka, whiteheads and blackheads di hidung, ada dua tiga tompok jerawat kecik selalunya kalau period, pori pori gergasi di pipi 

Friday, 26 June 2015

COMELYCO Jeju Aloe 95% Review

Its been a while since i'm making a product review post hehe sorry. Today I'm gonna review one of the famous Korean products. Aloe vera is such a big hit in korea, especially the Nature Republic that EXO endorsed hehehe  My niece gave me this..Her cousin brought it from China. I didn't know how much the product is. Again, sorry :( 

Honestly saying, i never heard about this brand before..but its okay, its never hurt to try ^^


I usually applied the gel after i cleanse my face at night. Then i apply some hada labo lotion on my face. My skin become more soft and supple. Also, less oily on the next morning! Maybe it was because my skin has enough moisturize. Note : Skin will become oily if you didn't moisturize well.

OVERALL REVIEW : 3/5 (◡‿◡✿)
Pros :
(✿◠‿◠) Texture : Smooth, sticky. which makes it easier for my skin to absorb..usually it takes like 2 or 3 seconds only
(✿◠‿◠) Fragrance : Pleasant smell!!
(✿◠‿◠) Multi purpose. U can google the uses of aloe vera gel ^^ If it doesn't work for your skin, it can be used to soothe allergies, after shaving gel and etc's.

Cons :
o(╥﹏╥)o Size : Too big..but u can use a little container to store it if u want to bring it somewhere
o(╥﹏╥)o Effect : Doesn't really gives me a woahhhh kind of effect. It just feels normal on my skin. Does not bring any brightening effect to my skin.

Thats all I want to share with you guys today! Thank you for reading! I will be reviewing KCOLLY soon ^^ byebyebyebyebyebyebye~~ ヽ(^◇^*)/

Monday, 22 June 2015

Tips/cara/pengalaman memakai contact lenses

Hey~ Okay harini Cirah nak kongsi pengalaman memakai contact lenses. Sebenarnya dah lama usha benda ni hehe.

Antara sebab Cirah pilih nak pakai contact lens ialah :
- rabun jauh..susah kalau pakai cermin mata. Tak osem kalau pakai tudung tu  sebab kalau pakai cermin mata nanti tudung bawal tite berbentuk ala ala kubah :c degree aku ni tak la brapa sangat. 150/150 je uhuhu. silau pun ada jugak -.-''
- bab ni memang tak tipu la sbb nak jadi cantik hehe nak mata bosa ala ala barbie doll lah tadi kan acah acah gitu. nak jugak merasa jadi foreigners mata kelabu biru dan hijau sekali sekala
- nak membosakan lagi biji mata xD

Okay sekarang cirah nak terangkan saiz saiz contact lens. Secara umumnya, saiz mata kita ni 14mm. Maka wujudlah saiz saiz lens yang 15mm 16mm 17mm mahupun 18mm. to be honest la aku taknak la besar sangat nanti menyakitkan i choose 16mm. Terpulang la kalau korang nak yang mana satu. aku rasa saiz 20mm pun wujud. tapi kalau bolehla x perlu besar sangat, kesian kat mata tu ha

As u all know..lens ni ada dua jenis..trasparent and coloured lenses. lps tu coloured lenses tu pulak ada macam macam jenis. circle lens, plato lens, anime lens, natural lens...ha rambang mata kau kan nak pilih ni

sebelum cirah dah sebulat suara nak beli lens, cirah buat beberapa research dulu pasal contact lens..yalah kan, mata kita ni kurniaan Allah s.w.t, takkan la x jaga kot? Antara step yang cirah ambik ialah :
1. check degree rabun dulu kat kedai yang paling recent degree mata aku 150/150. ada silau jugak sikit.
2. pergi tanya kengkawan yang sudah pakar memakai lens. tanya macam mana nak jaga lens tu, macam mana nak pakai, macam mana nak cuti dan apa apa soalan yang sewaktu dengannya.
3. pergi bukak youtube tengok cara macam mana nak jaga contact lens and mcm mana nak pakai n remove lens tu. antara video-video yang berguna yang cirah boleh reccomend ialah ini dan ini
4. cirah beli contact lens secara online..dok usha ig shop berlambak jah. tapi, yang paling penting.. MUST ADA BANYAK REVIEW. Jangan beli yang murah je, tapi x da review. X leh percaya kalau cmtu. Aku pernah terbaca kat newspaper yang budak pompuan tu dok nak cuba contact lens murah dia beli last-last mata dia buta sementara akibat pemakaian lens be careful kids!

Last last aku decided nak beli Puffy Brown and Puffy Grey. Puffy series ni nampak natural sikit, saiz nya 16mm. Puffy series ni mmg pujaan hati org ramai la. saya beli lens saya kat sini

 Puffy Grey ^^

Puffy Brown :) ditemani Brown (LINE character)